Home Happenings..

Hello all i hope that your all ok?
Well what a week..the weather was just beautiful..all set to change this week though.
I got lots more done in the garden and took down all the curtains and washed them and all the cushion covers too..like an Autumn clean instead of Spring.
Hubby trimmed the Apple and Pear trees too..all the fruit has been picked and stored..he got fed up of being poked by a branch everytime he went to the shed..they do look better and have let a lot more light onto the grass in that area.so now it shouldn't looked half dead in the Summer and be a bog in the Winter.

We have been busy finishing our Food Chain project and Fern has started on Fractions and Division..her reading list has been changed and we ordered some books from the Library. Iris is doing her 3x table and doing well also she has started on Subtraction..both still read and do Handwriting everyday and both have a Spelling Test on Fridays..

I received my letter this week for my Home School Inspection visit..thankfully i have got it all prepared and ready for her to look at .
I had an online shop delivered..all the tinned stuff that is too heavy for my trolley..beans,spaghetti,sugar,rice,flour and the big tubs of Baking Margerine..massive Loo roll pack..all the things we need like that i buy in bulk every 3-4 months..i had loads delivered and it only cost £44.99..which was brilliant as we budgeted £45..and that was including the delivery which was £1.my pantry is now stocked up til just after Christmas.
We paid the rent on our Allotment this week..£20..not bad for a lovely plot that is feeding us fresh veg and fruit..we are hoping to get another one this year.

I went shopping and had a look around..was a bit surprised to see Christmas Decorations in the shops..o well i suppose they have to squeeze every penny out of us somehow.
I nipped into £land and bought myself some wool..3 for £2..not bad..

I have been baking again..i did some extra and popped them into the freezer..
Choc-chip cookies..i have another box full..

the obligatory tarts

Chocolate and plain cakes

Coffee biscuits

Peanut-butter no bake bars.
I made extra of all the above and put them away as it's Iris's 7th birthday on Wednesday and we are having a little tea-party for her.It should be a good day..she is sooo excited already and has been for the last 2 weeks.
What have you all been up to this week?


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