Does your Family have that one person..

 Hello everyone, how are you all?

Welcome to December .

Very chilly and snowy here today and starting to get foggy again. Thankfully the snow is melting a little and some very immature person has been throwing snowballs at the dining room window , ok yes it was me😁. You got to have some fun.

So in our house Christmas is not for a few days its a whole month of Christmas. Very slowly the decorations start to appear and my little bits and bobs get dusted off and it slowly takes over the house. We don't put up the rest until 12 days before Christmas day and that is our thing we always have and always will do it this way. I love to see other peoples decorations and get a little giddy looking at them.

I have a new Christmas tablecloth and Advent Candle, plus i got out the placemats and coasters and did it all while hubby was at work so when he came home it was Surprise!!. Christmas has started.

Our little family absolutely love this time of year and my older girls already have their trees up and they all look gorgeous, but  there is always one,  we have a Christmas Hater in the family. 

Every year no matter what we all get told that this person hates Christmas, its a waste of time and they are not putting up decorations for 2 days. Wishing the month away and waiting for January. Every year i am not even surprised anymore by this person and i truly wish i had the nerve to not send a card or gift to this person seeing as they hate it so much...but that would be petty right? And i am not a petty person😇. However i do get tired of this rhetoric every year..not sure they mean it or are just saying it to be the center of attention. They actually start this in October time. But what ever their reason i do not need to hear it year after year after year..we get it so stop rolling your eyes and snorting when its mentioned , just because you don't like it doesn't mean we cannot enjoy it. They seem to enjoy the gifts they receive so what is going on in there head?

Just curious if anyone else has this one person.

Take care all

Love FTM🌺


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