March weather
Hello everyone how are you all? Well the weather has a lot to answer for doesn't it. It gave us a false Spring for a wonderful few days and then BAM !!!, back to being chilly. I absolutely loved those lovely days we got a lot done in the garden and made plans for this year as to what we want to do and now we are back waiting for it to warm up again. I don't know if you did but i had laundry out in the sun and my Daffodils all popped open giving us the hope that Spring really was here. We even had some Snow the other day, i thought i was seeing things but no everyone else saw it as well. Its been really frosty in the mornings and that wind absolutely chills you to the bones. Come on Spring hurry up we are all waiting for you. I also washed out my food storage bags and pegged them out to dry. I found Frog Spawn in the pond and the fish were quite lively as well. The Magpies seem to have won the battle for nesting rights in a big Conifer at the bottom of the g...