Tired anyone???

 Hello everyone , how are you?

Well its too hot to sleep and very hard to keep cool. I removed our summer quilt totally from the bed and replaced it with a light sheet..sounds good so far. I was so looking forward to being cooler and waking up refreshed. Who was i kidding?

I had a horrific night..the fan was good and kept me cool enough but that gosh darn sheet kept wrapping itself around my legs and when i moved or rolled over it came with me and i swear it knotted itself at one point. I must have spent half the night untangling myself and trying to put it somewhere that i wasn't  mainly that means the floor.

So this morning i looked rough..

Bags under my eyes and not really in a good mood. Thank goodness the morning started cool with a breeze and i used the early start to my advantage and got all my jobs done and laundry out.

I think personally i will be removing that sheet and having nothing on the bed..and my mood improved by the time breakfast was over.

I can just about cope with lots of things but a rough night really knocks me off my kilter.

How about you, how do you cope with the heat?

take care all



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