March weather

 Hello everyone how are you all?

Well the weather has a lot to answer for doesn't it. It gave us a false Spring for a wonderful few days and then BAM !!!, back to being chilly.

I absolutely loved those lovely days we got a lot done in the garden and made plans for this year as to what we want to do and  now we are  back waiting for it to warm up again. I don't know if you did but i had laundry out in the sun and my Daffodils all popped open giving us the hope that Spring really was here.  We even had some Snow the other day, i thought i was seeing things but no everyone else saw it as well. Its been really frosty in the mornings and that wind absolutely chills you to the bones. Come on Spring hurry up we are all waiting for you.

I also washed out my food storage bags and pegged them out to dry. 

I found Frog Spawn in the pond and the fish were quite lively as well.
The Magpies seem to have won the battle for nesting rights in a big Conifer at the bottom of the garden and they have been scouring the ground for twigs and deadfall from our 2 trees. they are beautiful to look at , however they are very noisy but i don't mind it will be nice to see if they stay on and raise chicks.

Nothing beats Home made chips ,our own Potatoes and done in a deep fat fryer, so crispy and fluffy on the inside. We had a treat of chips from the chippy the other week and it cost and arm and a leg and they were not the greatest so i will be doing ours from now on.

Hubby has been to Peterborough Hospital again for a scan on a small lump in his armpit and got told its nothing nasty and not to worry, easier said than done, when you know the Cancer he has can spread through the Lymph Glands. He is ok but obviously we are still concerned, he is waiting to hear from the Consultant on how to proceed from here.

We have had 2 new bill increases as well this taking effect from the end of this month. Our rent has gone up so its nearly Ā£500 a month, i am not complaining about that  as i feel very fortunate to have a lovely house and large garden. The other bill was our Water Rates, just over Ā£98 a month, are you frikkin kidding me. I almost had  wet one at that, but yet again i have 2 toilets, large pond and bathe daily plus washing and washing up and i have never had any issues with my water supply at all and i have 4 sewerage drains going through my garden.

I also had  shock at the Dentist Ā£89.10 with 20% off for an extraction. I did question if that was the correct price and i was told it was. I could understand if it was a whole tooth but it wasn't it was just the bottom bit as it had snapped off and could not be repaired any more. Don't get  me wrong i am glad its gone and i will have a new addition to add to my plate but that shocked me, no wonder people can't afford to go, i am quite lucky as i am on a Dental Practice plan and pay monthly for treatment but still an extra cost. I have been popping Paracetomol like smarties for the last few days and today is the first day i haven't taken one at Breakfast but i will have to at Lunch as it is now throbbing away.

So we are going to re jig our Household Budget yet again to accommodate these new charges.

I am in a lucky position to be able to do this and also the 2 allotments are going to be worth their weight in gold this year i think.

So i hope that you all have a good weekend and enjoy the sunny/cloudy/rainy/windy/snowy weather where ever you are.

Love to you all



  1. We've had pretty much similar weather over here in Nottinghamshire. I even got washing on the line 2 days in a row!! We're having a budget re-jig as well. Received our council tax bill today, so that, over 10 months, along with the water bill means another Ā£250 a month!! Roll on spring I say!


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