March is here.
Hello everyone , how are you all?
The 1st of March can you believe it. Today was glorious, no wind , no rain and the sun was shining, absolutely beautiful. Having the sun out just makes you feel better and blows away the cobwebs of the last of Winter( i hope i haven't just jinxed us by saying that).
We are currently re decorating our hall, stairs and landing and it's a big job. Rather than doing it all in one go we broke it down into 3 parts. The hallway was done first, new paint and gloss and also a new coat stand , a posh one with a seat for us oldies to sit down and put our boots on😀, moving on to the stairs which are a little trickier but all done and then the landing. It took a while but it looks amazing and so clean and fresh , i think the last time we did it the girls were in single digits age wise. I have gone for a mid sheen paint that is easily wiped clean, i chose Linen Blend by Crown. It was on offer at £12 for 2.5 litres, it should have been £17 so i saved a tenner as i bought 2 tins. We are currently looking for a hallway table for the landing weird, i know a hallway table on the landing. I need something to store bits in so why not have something nice. I don't need new lampshades as mine are ok and i like them so they are staying. I won't be putting up as many pictures purely because my wall looked like it had been peppered with bullets when i took them all down, they took a while to fill as well before we could get on and paint. We are buying a new canvas for one wall. I can highly recommend NOT putting up Vinyl decals as they are an absolute 😡f************g !!!!!! nightmare to get off. Never again am i putting anything like that on my walls. So that is what has been going on in the house. I have baked and cleaned and cooked .
I got some freebies for Lidl.
I love Sprouts , absolutely hated them a child but now i adore them so when we got our Freebie of the week it was these for me yum. I prepped these for the freezer and now have a lovely little bag of the green gems all waiting for us to devour.
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