Chilly week.

 Hello everyone  , how are you all?

Well what a gloomy week it has been , chilly and grey and damp. Not a lot going on outside at the moment.

There are signs of life form all the little bulbs i planted last year.

I bought a bag of bulbs that had lots of different plants in them and i am now unsure what is what but they are all starting to come up and i am excited to see what they are.

I made a ham and cheese flan that i was very disappointed in, the bottom of my flan leaked all the egg and milk mix out the bottom , which in turn made my flan very dry. Hubby enjoyed it and said at least it was edible. 

We are still slowly adding touches to our kitchen. This wall is big and it's also awkward to put anything on it, things either gets knocked off or is in the way when we need the door open. I have wanted to put panels up for ages just to make a plain wall have a feature on it. Hubby got the panelling and bingo just look how amazing it is with a coat of paint on it.

I have some new pictures to put up when i get a few more. I have the Temu app and they have lots of lovely little pictures for a few pounds , we will be doing that later next week. 

I broke my book buying ban and gave in and bought 2 off  Ebay , i couldn't resist. 2 John Connolly books. The Charlie Parker series are my absolute faves. But i will not be buying any more, unless they are gifts.

In the greenhouse news this week, the onion seeds are not coming along as we hoped they would. Some have  popped up and some haven't so we may end up buying some more seeds or just going with Onion sets.

I have had a mending streak as well. 2 pairs of socks and a jumper that got caught on the door handle and ended up with 2 holes in it. I mended them to the best of my ability and hopefully they will last a while longer.

I didn't do a big shop this week as i want to run everything down and restock next week. My freezers now have the minimum in the them as do my fridges. I also ran down the tins and will go to Aldi for a Pantry shop, even though i am sure Aldi prices are creeping up as well.  I am going to start tracking exactly how much my shopping is and see where the price increases are happening and adjust my shopping to keep within budget.

All the birthdays have been and gone and successful, nothing now for a little while.

I will return in the week. Off for my bath now.

Take care all



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