I did it.

 Hello everyone , how are you?

What a grey day it is, cold and not happy and its going to get colder, you just have to roll with it as there is nothing you can do apart from try to have a good day yourself.

I have had a good day as i have finally done something i have been threatening to do for ages . I deactivated my Facebook. Probably not a large thing but i would spend ages just scrolling through tons and tons of crap and then some. I totally got fed up with all the nastiness of people so yesterday i had enough and just did it. I was a member of a few groups and to start with they were nice and like minded people and we celebrated small achievements and just generally gave helpful advice if asked for ,slowly over time it got infiltrated by trolls and instead of congratulating members they started to pick apart their achievements, not nice and it caused arguments. So i just quit and all the nasty , mean and vile people can get on with it.

So i am Facebook free. 

Have you still got it or did you leave like me?




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