I did it.

 Hello everyone , how are you?

What a grey day it is, cold and not happy and its going to get colder, you just have to roll with it as there is nothing you can do apart from try to have a good day yourself.

I have had a good day as i have finally done something i have been threatening to do for ages . I deactivated my Facebook. Probably not a large thing but i would spend ages just scrolling through tons and tons of crap and then some. I totally got fed up with all the nastiness of people so yesterday i had enough and just did it. I was a member of a few groups and to start with they were nice and like minded people and we celebrated small achievements and just generally gave helpful advice if asked for ,slowly over time it got infiltrated by trolls and instead of congratulating members they started to pick apart their achievements, not nice and it caused arguments. So i just quit and all the nasty , mean and vile people can get on with it.

So i am Facebook free. 

Have you still got it or did you leave like me?




  1. Still have Facebook as it is the one way I can keep up with far flung family members. Still even family members seem to be getting nasty lately. I will keep it though to stay in contact and try and keep ignoring the nastiness.

    God bless.

    1. Hi Jackie..it is best to try and ignore it but sometimes i found i was getting mad at people i don't know or care about and their opinions so i thought i don't need this and i don't want it so i left. I am quite lucky i have close family around to message and stuff but i really don't want that in my life anymore, leaving was my option and i took it. Got a bit more time on my hands now instead of doom scrolling lol.

  2. I use Facebook for business type stuff so I've still got it, but I don't take it personally at all!

    1. Hi Lyssa, no i don't it personally but i just got so fed up with it, i have set boundaries for myself and this was crossing it so i walked away.

    2. I understand and I've been wondering about getting rid of it myself, but couldn't just yet.

  3. I have Facebook but I'm careful what I read and the few groups I help to admin seem pretty pleasant - it's one nasty and you're out and no second chances! xx

    1. Hello Joy, i thought i was on a nice group and then Whoa the stuff hit the fan big time..not for me i just quit, got better things to do than watch people who don't actually know each other go at it. Wish our Admin had been as good as you.

  4. Quit ages ago - it just started to annoy me. It can be tricky as family are on and there are a few sites that I'd like to join - but just can't be bothered.

    1. Hi Margie..i feel the same it was so annoying at times, thankfully my family are quite close and just Whatsapp me if anything happens.


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I will reply to everyone..however i will remove if its rude or trolling.

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