Did we all have a good week?

 Hello everyone , how are you?

I do hope that everyone has had a good week and no damage caused by the storm. We were very lucky and only got some strong gusts , my heart goes out to all who suffered .

We had a nice week until Wednesday..we had a dentist visit. It cost nothing for check ups as we are all on the dental family plan. The 2 girls are perfect and Iris does need a baby tooth removed to help her other one come down into place, we have another appointment next week for X rays for the procedure. I on the other hand have to have a tooth removed and an addition to my denture plate at the cost of Ā£45 for extraction and Ā£130 for denture addition. Wow!!!. The thing is i can't get either done until March..so i have to walk around with a gap in my front teeth until then. However it could be worse and i could be in pain and i am not so that is a bonus. Thankfully it gives us time to save the money to pay for it all. 

Wednesday was a blip on the road. The rest of the week was good . 

So i had a little realization this week , don't know why i didn't see it before. Reset days. I have seen loads of posts about reset days, you know resetting the house for the week. Cleaning ,laundry and fridge stocking. I had absolutely no idea that what i have been doing for the last 38 years every Sunday is called a reset day. I change beds, deep clean the bathroom, dust everywhere and hoover the entire house and then clean out the fridges and restock them from the Pantry, i do laundry nearly every day so i don't have weeks worth to do all at once., Wash the floors and sort the sofa(hoover it and swap cushions over). It takes nearly all day but it is so worth it. I do clean in the week  but Sunday is the day it all gets done. My daily cleaning is kitchen, bathroom and living room. It has got easier over the years, the girls and Sam do their own rooms and also put laundry away. I think i have my house reset schedule down to a fine art. Saturday afternoons are for extra bits that need doing, cleaning windows, sorting clothes for Charity Bags , Airing Cupboard redo or just baking or like today just having a lazy afternoon.

Do you have Reset days or go with the flow .

Have a good weekend everyone.

Love FTMšŸŒ¼


  1. I can't comment on reset days as I fail at housework, but you should also check out reverse meal planning - also known as seeing what's in the cupboards.


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