
 Hello everyone , how are you?

I have done my first shop this year, i haven't done one since just before Christmas, kinda proud of myself for making it last and having quick meals made up of leftovers.

I have refilled my fridge and also some Pantry bits. I bought some Mushrooms and prepped them to freeze and this cheeky chappie made me giggle.

I have also got to learn to check sizes before i buy anything. I love my local Short Coded shop as he not only sells food but also at times some lovely crockery and glassware. Well i saw he was advertising Green vases for £2.50 ..i thought its my favourite colour and they will look amazing on my mantel piece. Well they are amazing and exceptional value, however they almost killed me carrying them home and they don't exactly fit on my mantel piece more like they are the fireplace.

So yeah ..a bargain but i really need to check sizes😂
I am also beginning to slowly emboss all my books, i received this lovely page embosser for Christmas with my name on it.
You can just make out my name..not very good light for the pic.
Wish me luck with all the embossing i have to do.

Take care all

Love FTM🌼


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