How is it going??

 Hello all, how are you doing?

I think maybe Autumn has arrived. We have had gale force winds and rain, our tree's are losing leaves at a rate of knots and i definately detect a nip in the air first thing in the mornings.
I have to admit this is my favourite season of all. Everything seems to slow down and take on a more relaxed pace. It won't be unfortunately for us as our allotments are producing fruit and veggies that all need to be prepped and stored. The nights are drawing in quite quickly. I love it and have several films and series all lined up to watch in the evenings.

We have had our first crop of Potatoes from the allotments..nice clean and no slug or ant infested ones so far. The Raspberries are coming thick and fast and we have Courgette city going on. Hubby and i have replaced the fence panels and patched it up in places it needed doing. It was hard coz it was windy and also fun as we worked together to do it. We managed to get it all done the day before Storm Lillian hit us. I had my hosepipe explode on me, not nice.
I had to ring British Gas as my meters are not up to date, i have arranged for new Smart Meters to be installed next month. I found it sad that the lady who took my call asked at  the end if   i would like to raise a complaint about the call or anything else. It bothered me a little as she had been nothing but polite and helpful.
I don't know if you remember me saying that i gave my little Pantry a makeover with new shelves . I finished it on Friday with hubby helping me to put new paper on the shelves..i had a roll of leftover wallpaper in Marble looks amazing and i forgot to take a photo.

I had a nice surprise when frying eggs for lunch i got a double yolker.
I have also received 2 beautiful little gifts from Fern. Lovely little Pumpkins. Aren't they cute.

We all had a break from it all and went to Belton Garden Centre. It was lovely expensive but lovely. We all spent ages just wandering around and looking at everything and being totally shocked at the prices, i mean Ā£75 for a hosepipe is astonishing. I went on Amazon in the end and bought my hosepipe from there in the end. Hubby bought himself some Cloggies..basically posh Crocs. I got treated to a little Pumpkin.
On the way out of the Garden Centre they have huge cages with Peacocks, Turkeys and Roosters in.

As for this weekend well we are taking it easy. I have watched the Avengers them. 

O yes i won a book giveaway as well from my David Gemmell Fans Facebook Group. I will start that when i have finished my current book.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Take care all


  1. Goodness, you are busy. I love Autumn too - the colours are so cheering and the harvests so delicious. I don't have an allotment now but in my small garden the tomatoes, runners and dwarf beans are providing me with fresh produce and the late autumn fruiting broad beans are growing energetically at the moment. All good! xx

  2. I love fall, however I am hoping that the frost holds off for a bit longer. So much still in the garden to harvest.

    God bless.


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