Christmas love it or hate it.

 Hello are you?

Well that certainly divided opinion didn't it?

I totally understand that for some Christmas is just not for them and i am not one to push my love of it on to others. If you don't like it then you don't like it and i for one agree that everyone is entitled to their own feelings and thoughts on it. I do not push it and certainly would not send cards to some one who doesn't want them . Christmas is not for everyone. Just because i love it does not mean i will force you or anyone else to live it. It is your life and up to you . Equally on my side please don't be a moaner about it, i respect your decision so please respect mine. There everyone is happy. Easy. You do you and i will do me.

My decorations and tree are up. We haven't gone over the top this year but it still looks lovely and festive.

The gifts are wrapped and ready to be ripped open. I did buy paper with no glitter so we can compost it.
I have sent my cards and a small fortune it cost as well. I have baked mince pies and Grantham Ginger Biscuits. The girls made Chocolate cookies. The Turkey is ready to go and i am just making Pancakes for tomorrow breakfast.

I want to Thank everyone for their lovely thoughts and prayers for my husband on his Cancer battle. Unfortunately he has now been diagnosed with Pre Cancerous Skin Cells on his head. He is seeing a consultant in the New Year and a date for an op will be set then. He has had a bloody rough year and we are keeping our fingers crossed that the next one will be better for him.
I am going to have some relaxing days and chilled out evenings.
Love to you all


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