Just lovely
Hello everyone, how are you?
Last week i spotted this in my front garden. We have had this plant here for about 10 years now and this is the first time it has flowered. What i want to know is how it managed to literally sneak up on me, i did see a long spike but assumed wrongly that it was a new leaf forming.
Its huge. If it carries on it will be hitting our bedroom window. Probably not to everyone's taste but i think it beautiful.
One of Potato pots looked a little sorry for itself and was turning yellow on the leaves so we harvested what was in it and struck New Potato gold.
They tasted gorgeous. Look how clean and scrumptious they are. We have 5 more tubs to go and fingers crossed they are all the same as this one.
This is what almost 3.5kg of Strawberries look like.
Little red globes of pure summer. We ate most of them and i froze a tray full and gave some to our neighbours as well.
It was my birthday last week and hubby bought me a cake. It was very chocolatey and didn't last very long.The Gooseberries are starting to come home. We top and tail them and i have frozen them ready to make jam at a later date. Wish there was an easier way to top and tail.
Thankfully it is a lot cooler and we have had some rain to water the gardens and allotments.
Apparently there is another heatwave on the way with very high temperatures.
And yet again we have another young Heron who thinks our pond is a one stop all you can eat diner.
He sat for a good 20 minutes debating if he could get into the pond or not and no he can't as the netting stops them but it doesn't stop them trying.
He is not very old and most probably think a nuisance if they do get in the pond and decimate it but if you cover the pond then it stops them. I think he looks so regal just standing there. How lucky are we to have all this wonderful nature on our doorsteps. Just lovely.Have a great day everyone.
Love FTMš¼
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