O i ruined Sunday Lunch..
Hello everyone , how are you ?
In all the years we have been married we have never missed a Sunday Roast, the odd times i was absent i was in hospital giving birth or just had the baby and hubby would always go home and cook it.
This week i thought the chicken smelt funny whilst it was cooking..not once or twice but permanently a funny smell. Hubby couldn't smell it..we got a independent sniffer (son), who also said it smelt fine. Ok its probably just my nose..by the time we were ready to serve i was convinced it was not a good thing so i just had all veggies ..here is where i ruined it. Because all morning i kept saying it smelt funny hubby also skipped it. The kiddos all said it was ok and didn't smell..it tasted good so they demolished it. So hubby reckons i ruined his Sunday Roast as he wasn't going to take any chances but it turns out it was fine and just my over sensitive noseš.
No one has been ill or even had any sign of an upset stomach so it was just me..but i was totally convinced it was off or something. You know that awful smell when meat is off ..thought i was going to throw up at one point and yet no one else could smell anything but cooked chicken.
Next time i will just not say anything..š¶
take care
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