Free decorating, well almost.
Hello all..
Well as you know i love to redo rooms for nothing or decorate on the cheap but this is my fave so far.
We have had 2 sets of new neighbours just recently and one of them put stuff out for free.
I could not resist just having a look and bingo i found this.
A huge plastic hands but it had all the workings and worked when i popped a battery in.I painted it white and bought a new set of hands for Ā£2.49..should have gone for the bigger ones but hey ho i will next time.I think you can just make them kinda just blended in with the wallpaper and didn't stand out as much as i wanted it too.
So i took it down and repainted it black. Now it stands out.
Love it..recycled, upcycled and almost a freebie.
My brother arrived on my doorstep with this...
A beautiful Parker Knoll rocking chair..its all mine if i want it..of course i bloody do its gorgeous.
It does need some work on it granted, but o its going to be amazing and my reading chair when its done,
The cushions are on the way from his mate..i just need at least a week of lovely sun to get it outside and sanded down..i was going to just repaint it but if i can get it back to original wood then i will.
How lucky am i?
take care
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