At last..
Hello everyone.
I have been getting more and more frustrated with the NHS Covid Vaccine booking system. Honestly i have been going round and round in bloody circles at times. Two or three times i have just shutdown my laptop and walked away.
A lot of folks will probably say its because i Home School my girls that is the problem in trying to get them booked in. Nope its not..they are on the Home School Vaccination Team list and are up to date with everything apart from Covid. I rang them to see if they were doing the shots but they are not allowed to do them for some reason and to keep trying the website. The government is advertising it everywhere for your children and yourself to get vaccinated. Just before Christmas i managed to get Fern in for her 1st dose and now she is on the list they will be in touch for her 2nd dose. Now i tried and tried to book Iris in but the only place that was available was 25 miles away and with no car it was impossible. I got drawn into a circle. I would put her details in then a place miles away came just seemed to get further and further away everytime. I started to get emails from my doctors surgery about her being vaccinated and when i rang they referred me again to the website. The School Vaccination Team emailed and referred me to the website. I kept trying and finally i got her last she will have her 1st dose this weekend after almost 2 months of trying i succeeded .
Hopefully she will be ok and have no side effects.
Take care all
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