In between everything else
Hi everyone..
Well in between freezing , blanching and picking crops i have little bits that i have wanted to do for a while .
I have always wanted a lovely back plate behind my fires in the dining room and living room , when we had to have the walls replastered the council left huge air vents smack bang in the middle of where i wanted a back plate. Not ungrateful just had to re do my plan.
So my hubby got his tape measure out and found some MDF that we have left over from the kitchen redo.
This before..
A roll of Fablon or nightmare on a roll as i call it and plenty of patience is needed.
Thank god for my husband and his patience is literally astounding.
Just look how gorgeous it is and the hearth got a new covering as well so it all matches.I love it..looks so clean and fresh and for only Ā£12. Brilliant.
take care all
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