Home Happenings
Good morning everyone, i hope that you are well.
Not really much going on here, hubby is still on furlough and our son is working his hours at Argos. He is busy and has a darn good wash and shower the moment he gets home.
We are still following the lockdown rules but apparently our local police have been issuing fines left right and center. I just cannot believe that people are still having meet ups and parties. I have to say that our road is very quiet and i love the silence. Its quite eerie in the evenings and early mornings..still have the chap who just has to rev his car and then take off at 50mph but we all know what that meansš.
Iris and me are baking once a week, she made her own Fudge Cookies which went down a treat and disappeared in few days. I found a recipe for a Chocolate Tray Bake..it turned out well but i found it a bit dry ..i will have to play about with the recipe and adjust the cooking times. I forget about my new oven being more economical and keeping the heat in. Hubby has already cut down the amount of time our bread and cobs bake for . Our house smells amazing with fresh bread in the oven.
We have gone Ā£50 over our monthly budget. We splashed out and bought all new quilts. These are the ones that can be washed and tumble dried . They are very warm and fill out the covers. The old ones were almost flat as pancakes and literally slipped about in the covers. We bought them off Amazon and they arrived earlier than expected..Slumberland . I highly recommend them. I am hoping that these will last quite a while for us.
Our budget for January was good..we did buy a new sofa and rug for the living room but we had saved for them separately so didn't affect the household budget.
The room went from this
To thisWell January has been and gone. It didn't seem to be a long month to me but it was. I had only one Birthday in January , this month is different..we have 4 birthdays within 5 days, plus a wedding anniversary. I have planned for this and its within budget.
I am redoing my meal plans and shopping accordingly for them. I did a big shop online and everything arrived apart from Bacon which i found quite odd with no subs offered.
We are all keeping ourselves busy either with little projects or having a de clutter. I redid my kitchen and got rid of lots of bits and bobs that i have never used..to be honest i couldn't remember why i ever bought them. I would have offered them for free on a local app but last time was a nightmare with them wanting me to deliver it. If i offer it for free then its up to you to collect it..i wrap and leave in the porch so absolutely no contact at all i am not delivering it ..do i look like a postman.
I re-sorted the under counter storage and my big pantry which led to the little pantry being sorted.
In the evenings i have been either reading or watching series on Netflix.
We did treat ourselves to the latest book by Kieran Larwood in the Legend of Podkin One Ear series.
We have to really pull our belts in now and have cancelled our National Trust subscription. The gates are still closed and rumour is that they will not open again this year. Cancelling this will give a little extra but not much. Making the most of all the pennies. Making the most of all we have and having a quiet life.
We are living the best life we can at the moment and will continue to do so.
Keep safe everyone.
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