What i have been doing in Lockdown 3

 Hello everyone, how are you?

My little list of to do's has now been completed.
We repapered the dining room wall..i would show you but my camera is broken. It looks amazingly bigger.
I sorted the bits and bobs i had on the mantel piece and now i have all glass and plants. This goes really well with the new paper. One roll cost £7.59. Th effect was instant and i am very happy with it.
I now have my Chandelier back up..i replaced it with a very large round lampshade..it was ok but limited the light it gave. Thank the lord i saved my Chandelier, i had wrapped it up and placed it in a box in my she shed. A £20 lesson learnt.
I made some Tomato and Onion Relish, with the frozen and pulped Tomatoes i have in the freezer. Two bags of frozen pulp eqauls to 3 jars of relish, this is now maturing nicely in my Pantry.

I have sorted my bookcases and gave away a lot of children's books. Now i have another nice pile to give away but with lockdown i will wait until people can  legally collect them.

My lovely husband cut my hair..i now have a number 5 buzz cut..and thank you Boris for lockdown meaning i don't have to go out and let the world see just how short it is..my fault entirely that it is now this short..i chose the number and let my husband just do it even though he kept saying are you sure..me knowing best said carry on..it is very very short but one thing about hair is that it grows and in a week or 2 it will look amazing.

I have learned another lesson that to buy cheap is not the way to go. I thought we had a bargain on printer ink..nope. I bought a large box containing about 50 cartridges thinking it will last a long while. I was so wrong. I get about 50 pages if that out of 4 cartridges. Cheap ink that doesn't even out properly so i have faded words and pictures are missing bits. I managed to get some work printed but the rest i have written myself. I have done a lot of 5 minute math, 5 minute fast facts and so on these include different subjects like Art, History, Politics, Geography and English. We did some this morning much better to have fast facts than keep droning on about one particular subject.
Iris is reading The Diary of Anne Frank and Fern is doing GCSE English Practice Papers and also a study unit i downloaded about Archaeology and another on Mars.

The girls and i have not been going on our walks at all..it is not worth the risk when folks refuse to observe the 2 metre rule and no mask. I get panicky when i see them coughing and i have no other choice but to walk past. So for now no walks but trying to exercise at home. We are lucky in that we have a large garden and if we get desperate then we can pop out and do some jobs but for now we are all happy just being together and safe at home.

Our house is positively sparkling..we have been cleaning and washing things, an early Spring type clean. This week we will be cleaning all the windows and washing down doors.
Iris and i are having a baking session once a week and this week we are making Malteser Rocky Road and Mars Bar Brownies.
I have quite a lot of chocolate left over from Christmas and i have found some recipes to use it all up.
We are using up left over bits from Christmas which include Sausage Rolls and Hot and Spicy Prawns which should come with a warning on just how hot they really are.

I did a large online shop and was pleasantly surprised when it all turned up..no missing items and no substitutes. The only thing we actually have to go out for is milk and fruit. I do freeze my milk but it does take a long time to thaw, more than once i have had milky ice in my tea. Hubby goes shopping once a week for milk and fruit and if we need anything else well then we have to wait ..its not worth the risk of just popping to the shops for bits and bobs.

I see people who still believe that Covid 19 is a conspiracy..well then if its a conspiracy and you get ill, well, i am sure you will be fine..after all its not real. The anti vaxxers who spout crap about poison you are worse than the virus itself and if you turn down the chance of being vaccinated then you should not be allowed out of your house at all.  I think the government need to confiscate peoples cars if they are caught travelling to other places..extreme yes but people need to learn lessons and stop going on social media to whine and whinge..you would not get a fine if you followed the rules The rules apply to everyone not the rest of the population and you are exempt.
This is my personal opinion and if you don't agree then thats absolutely fine.
So everyone take care and stay safe.

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