Home Happenings
Hello everyone.
How are we all doing in Lockdown 2.0.
Its just the same for us we are staying away from folks and staying home. Going on our daily walks we cross roads and stand well away from other walkers.
My husband has been furloughed again so he is home and has a little list of things to do, his own list and not from me i have to add.
Yesterday the girls and i went for a walk and came home to find him putting in the new taps.
No more dripping and turning taps to find the correct way to stop it dripping. It had gotten really bad to the point we had half bowl of water in the sink in the morning. Its a novelty to have non drip taps.
The big red door curtain is back up and also going through the airing cupboard i found the hot water bottles.
These covers are almost classed as vintage..they belonged to my older girls when they were at home and who says i hoard stuffš.I have been a little unwell..i had a Lymph Gland infection and my armpit was so swollen i couldn't wear a bra. Had my antibiotics and feel better it's still swollen but going down thankfully. Iris had her Flu Vaccine and felt unwell for about a week but is much better now. Fern has to go for her H.P.V Vaccine on her birthday so then she is all up to date with everything.
School is going along..learning more about how the Human Body functions, kidneys ,liver, spleen and what happens to the organs if you don't look after them.
History as well..the Scottish Clans and Tartans and the History of Scotland..i have been inspired by that brilliant man Neil Oliver. I find his series fascinating.
I am baking and using up leftovers to make our food budget stretch a little more. Hubby is making bread and cobs plus some lovely Devonshire Splits for treats.
I have had a clear out of stuff that i no longer need. Its a huge box of Halloween Decorations. The girls are growing up and no longer babies and not that bothered about having decorations up so they are being donated to my daughter.
I did an online shop and a few items were missing but you know what folks its not the delivery man's fault so please do not abuse them. I was shocked when he told me he had been sworn at and almost threatened by some customers, there is no need for it, he is only doing his job. Its the people who have gone mental and stripped the shelves. Its a lockdown not the end of the world, so chill out folks.
The view from my kitchen has dramatically altered.
Its a total shame to lose that big beautiful tree but it was very large. Not my tree so i can't say anything.
But the view is taking some getting used to.
My eldest daughter has got to isolate for 2 weeks as her husband is very unwell and has been told to isolate. Fingers crossed his test comes back negative.
I have been watching a few films and was totally baffled by one called The Lighthouse..not sure exactly what was going on but if you want a confusing mind bending film that is still playing in your mind the next day then that's the one. It's black and white and weird from start to finish but we couldn't stop watchingš If anyone knows what the heck was happening please let me know.
Back to reading Stephen King Desperation and have a few more lined up. I have also been pulling out my cookery books and going through them to find some new recipes for mealtimes and puddings.
I have also been on Pinterest looking for Christmas( yes i said it ) ideas and crafts for us to make home made decorations, cards and wrapping paper. I love going to pick out my wrapping paper but not this year. I have a lot of Christmas (said it again) stamps so i am going to buy a huge roll of brown paper and make my own. My gift buying will be done online this year, no going to browse the shops..over the top maybe, but i seriously do not want to catch Covid and with people not wearing masks and following the 2 metre distancing at all its a bit risky.
Last thing as i realize it's a long one..WELL DONE JOE BIDEN.
Kamala Harris is the first female Vice President..Congratulations you are so inspiring to all women everywhere.
It just shows how low class Trump is by not conceding and congratulating the winner. Instead he is whining like some spoilt kid who can't get what he wants. Welcome to the world Donald and stop being a rude man( quite tame compared to what i wanted to write) and treat others with respect.
I am not American but have watched with horror on how the country was divided by race and money. Now lets hope that this huge country can heal and become United once again. I watched Joe Biden give a speech and wow he won my vote there and then like i say i am not American but he would have got it.
Everyone stay safe and wear a mask please.
Take care
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