Home happenings..

Hello all, how are you today?
We are all ok thank you.
We are carrying on as normal here within the house and garden.
School work is done in the mornings and afternoons are for either outside or a movie.
Our allotments are in amazing shape. Everything is in and its been rotavated ready for more.
The Potatoes are just peeking out, hopefully the frost won't have bothered them too much.
The Carrots are doing well but our Parsnips failed.
The Beetroots, Spring Onions, Peas are all going strong.
The Gooseberry Bushes are full of fruit, Strawberries are in flower so we may have an early crop of them.
Cabbages and Brussels are starting well. The lettuces are growing and i cannot wait to have them. Nothing better than a fresh picked lettuce for lunch.

My husband made the tunnels for our Cabbages last year. These pics are just after they had cleared weeds and rotavated the both of them.
The Polytunnel in the back ground is a the source of our contention. Others were allowed to put there's up then the committee changed the rules and our brand new Polytunnel is in the shed unboxed but not allowed to go up. Fuming.
I finally made a Victoria Sponge that didn't sink. I think it may have something to do with the new ovens. My poor old gas one took ages to cook anything and you could feel the heat seeping out the door at times.

I also made some Jam. I need the space in my Fruit Freezer.
I saved my freezer bags and washed them out.
I hung them out to dry.
We have made a start on the trough being removed
This is what it looked like before.
My poor Clematis has started to sprout and grow. The Ornamental Grass has flowering spikes and the 2 little Box Hedge cuttings are still alive.
These will all be removed then replanted.
It just looks a sad little part of my garden.
Hopefully replacing it with a border will put some life back into it.
We had a visit from our Daughter Fionna with her husband and 3 of our Grand Children..socially distanced.
She misses us and we miss her and the all of the girls and grandchildren.
Its so hard as we are a close knit family.
She brought us something to keep us going.
It was so wonderful to see them all and made me shed a tear when they left.
When all this is over we are having a family party.I will hug them all and not want to let go.
I miss my girls.šŸ’™
So what have you all been doing?


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