Mermaid noticeboard..

Hello all,how are you on this blustery and wet day?
I have been wanting to make the girls a small mermaid noticeboard for ages..unfortunately the mermaid sequin fabric is quite expensive and i have been outbid a few undeterred i bid on and won a mermaid sequin cushion. It cost me Ā£1.20  with free p&p.
It arrived yesterday and i couldn't wait to cut it up and make into what i wanted .
 2 picture frames and the cushion..i cut it away from the back of the cushion and removed the zip,which i kept as you never know when you might need one.
 I cut the fabric to size and used Copydex to secure it to some cardboard..i put some string and little pegs on Fern's..i then popped it into the frame and noticeboard.Be warned when cutting the sequins they are sharp little devils and fly all over,my dining table looked like a small sequin massacre had happened.
 I had enough fabric left to make a small one for Iris..she didnt want the string or pegs.
 Fern has put her little calendar on hers
 Iris just writes messages.
They might not be the big ones but the girls love them and that is what matters.


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