The kindness of my neighbours..

Hello all,what a lovely day it has been again.I do hope that your all ok.
Well today my lovely neighbour came around with all of this..
Her husband is an Ice Cream he was at work on a local market and they were giving away bottles of the end of the day they had loads left and gave him a huge crate of it..he immediately thought of us.Now how kind is that.
They often at the end of a month when they go to replenish his stocks at the cash and carry will give us any put backs ..its called a put back when the packet is slightly opened..he is not allowed to sell them to the public but he can give them away.We always have some lovely lollies and icecreams in the freezer courtesy of this very generous neighbour.

We totally love milk and get through 4 pints a day easily..this will come in very handy and also a welcome addition to the fridge.
Have you got some really nice neighbours.


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