I wonder if i am psychic but don't know it..

Hello all,how are you today?
Well if i was psychic i would know wouldn't i?
Bet your wondering what is going on.
This is a mini rant aimed specifically at the car drivers who think i am bloody psychic.
I don't know why i haven't discovered this gift before..maybe its because at the time i was diving out the way of someone who could obviously tell i was a mind reader and that somehow i instinctively knew they were coming around the corner..thats why they never indicated..now i get it..i should have read his mind.
It infuriates me..the driver is supposed to indicate to let not just me know he is going to turn but  the other drivers as well..turns out most of them don't and rely on the good old pedestrian to be either psychic or built like a champion sprinter and hurdler to get out of his way..god forbid he has to stop on his journey.
And to top it off they look at you like a turd if they have to touch their precious brakes and stop or slow down..
I know not all car drivers are like this ..o and while i am at it another one that bugs me is when i am stood at the zebra crossing and they don't stop or speed up to get over it before my little foot steps on the crossing..its like how dare i stop them ..well i dare and sometimes i smile and say thank you or i run for my life because the granny in her 4x4 is revving the engine because i made her stop..
Why is everyone in such a hurry..surely indicating and stopping for about 10 seconds is not the end of the world.
I don't drive and have never wanted to..it has its pros and its cons but mainly pros for us.
I like walking but not having to jump back out the way coz some miserable git can't be bothered to indicate.
One time i had a double pushchair and was crossing the road and a driver didn't indicate..if i had not have looked up and seen him coming ..well it would have been awful..but then he had the absolute nerve to have a go at me..thankfully some other folks were there and he got short sharp replies from them..i seem to remember one chap saying something about inserting something large into something quite small..the driver got in his car and drove off..leaving me and 2 babies in shock and upset.
So car drivers please..indicate and also realize we are not psychic  and won't know your coming unless you BLOODY INDICATE!!!!.
Rant over


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