Being frugal over Christmas..and planning for next year.

Hello all..the poorlies are now tucked up nice and cosy in bed..hubby is in pj's and housecoat on the sofa..bless him he does sound awful..i hope he manages some sleep tonight.
Ok hands up who was frugal over Christmas..lots of you i bet.
I managed to save some lovely ribbons,tissue paper and also 5 gift bags.
We had left over veggies on Sunday and also finished off the Choclate Log..thanks to forward planning we haven't spent a penny since Christmas Eve..which will help enormously.
I have cards left over so they will go in a box ready for next year,also a few rolls of wrapping paper and tags plus just means i don't have to buy any next year.

Over the last 2 days i have been thinking of what to do next year so here is what i would like to do..
We are looking at ways of cutting down our bills much more.
We need to budget better and keep an eye on exactly what we spend on..
I am going to use one of my notebooks as a spending diary..chart every penny and see where we can maybe shave a bit more off.
Keep meal planning and using up leftovers.
Try to have at least 2 veggie meals a week.
Keep growing at the allotments.
Make more jams and chutneys
Use our Library more and definitely keep selling on Ebay.
Look at our Insurance Policies for household items and see if we can get a better deal on them.
Reuse more items..think about why i want to get rid of it..can i make it into something else.
Learn to make skirts and simple dresses on the sewing machine for the girls.
Organize my pantry properly.Put a few more shelves up so its not so crowded.
Re Roof hubby's shed..its sagging and leaking..all his tools are in there.
I have some vouchers worth Ā£50 to help towards the cost of it so hopefully we can do it for that amount or there abouts.
Keep a second purse in my handbag..with a few pounds in it..for those bargains or something you spot in a charity shop and that way the money doesn't come out of the housekeeping money.
Update my list of clothes and shoe sizes for all of us..keep this in my purse so if i spot an item of clothing  and its the right size and more importantly what they need then i can buy it.
Re write my list of things i need not want..but more storage containers.
Keep decluttering..i have decided to have some giveaways of items i don't need anymore.
The list does seem pretty big but i know i can do it.
How about you ladies have you got plans for next year already?


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