Learning about Picasso..and a Dorrito lady..

Hello all how are you today?
As we are slowly learning more about Art and Artists..i decided today to do Pablo Picasso..i found a short bio on him and then examples of his work we could paint or colour for ourselves. I think learning of the Great Painters is a good thing..the different styles they had and the very colourful lives they lived..and how some only became famous after their deaths..unfair but it seems to be the way.
So we started on Cubism..Picasso would divide up the canvas into squares and then paint the same subject from totally different perspectives..often when he had painted a model they would be aghast and leave in a huff..Picasso didn't actually care if they liked it or not and would just carry on. He also invented Collage..using wood,sheet music and allsorts he could find..very interesting man.
So we did our work much to the hilarity of the girls..
They coloured in 2 of his works and then i drew the triangle and the girls did their impression of cubism..

This is our Dorrito woman..the girls almost died laughing ..that is what Iris christened their picture.

We have some basic worksheets to complete and then we will move on to collages.

Fern giggling and Iris doing her best not to.
I love to teach them different things and this afternoon was a total joy..both laughing and working together.
P.s..its Pablo Diego Jose Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Maria de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso..gosh what a mouthful..could you imagine his mum calling him in for tea..no wonder he stuck with just Pablo Picasso..


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